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A member registered Dec 30, 2019

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It was a fun concept for a few seconds, but Enemies spawning (literally) in you is a big problem.

I was pleased with the artstyle and the music, but a proble I often had was when switching the level, I didn't really know if I will die.

This was.. confusing.

The game was quite fun but the stick to the ceiling resulting in a softlock and the lack of sounds were quite frustrating.

Good game, even though the enemies weren't really enemies and the walls stickyness as well as the player not gaining moment on moving platforms made movement a bit frustrating

Very cool Game idea and I had some good fun with it but the graphics and sounds in non gravity mode really were a bit.. blurred.

Well, definitely a fun game concept, but really.. clunky movement and camera.

Nice game, even though a few bugs (like being able to select 3 dots, or a random move by a selected dot) made it sometime a bit frustrating

I really like the game and had lots and lots of fun with it. Only fails were some bugs, were I got stuck in the wall, were able to walk out of the room or just get out of the vision at all. Also it was pretty precise to hit certain spots.

I didn't really know what was going on and moving in circles really did the job just fine..

I don't feel Hulamameco. Sry

If there is more than one level, the first one it waaay too long and there is no goal or whatsoever to be found.

It was a good concept but it was really tiring, the sounds overlapped and the colors with lighting and the constant ball missing the one last pixel.

Okay, I like the game idea, however:

  • The UI was a bit bugged out (prob because I have a 2160 × 1080 Screen)
  • The Influence of the decision were.. a bit random, it seems.
  • I didn't really feel like my decisions didn't make any difference in the product at all.

I really didn't have a lot of fun because the movement and accuracy was way too clunky and even though I like the concept I felt like I really had no control over anything at all. Sorry

Pretty fun, but waaay to hard, except I did something wrong..

Had a bit fun in the beginning but started to get dry at day 3.. Maybe something rewarding or more dangerous like upgrade between the days?

There seems to be a missing .pck file.


Okay, first things first:
I needed a long time to figure out, how to control both players.

After that I needed to figure out how to actually play the game, until I got to the point of the labyrinth where I (Spoiler ahead)

Had to look to a wall, where there was a plan of the labyrinth (mirrored) where a specific spot was marked. I walked to it with both characters but didn't actually was able to got ahead.

Also, when reloading the game (with escape), you had 3 Players (up to 4 possible I guess)

Also, I was not able to reload the level I was currently on, only the level prior to that, so I had to redo it again.

I had a lot, lot of fun while playing this game. I enjoyed it.

Had some good fun with this game, even though a bit more enemies couldn't damage the game. The music spread some good vibes.

Nice and fun game where the challenge is to master the controls.

However, I found it difficult to get an overview of my surroundings.

It's getting quite out of Hand after abt. 700 pts. but I had some fun for some minutes.

Maybe I misunderstood the game, but I didn't seem to have any collision and the chain didn't seem to do anything. Also I didn't find a way to continue with the game if there was one.

Sounds were really terrifying, but else it was a really good game, a tutorial could help

Nice Idea, but good platforming is hard, no coyote time + friction on boardes makes it hard to get a clean feeling, as well as the fire, which you don't want to touch because if you do, it is mostly RNG if you get out of it and dousing yourself while being in the fire

Personally, a bit easy, good music, but I had a music bug (I think)

The idea was great anyway

It was fun, yet unplayable because of missing control of dog.. I know that was kinda the point of the theme, but makes it unplayable

It was fun, yet unplayable because of missing control of dog.. I know that was kinda the point of the theme, but makes it unplayable